...I am very glad to see that the National League is taking keen
interest in the matter of Palestine and I have no doubt that the
League will eventually succeed in making the British people
realize the true meaning of the situation and the political
consequences which may follow in case Britain loses the friendship
of Arabs.
I have been more or less in touch with Egypt, Syria and
Iraq. I also received letters from Najaf. You must have read that
the Shias of Kerbala and Najaf have also made a strong protest
against the partition of Palestine. The Persian Prime Minister and
the President of Turkish Republic have also spoken and protested.
In India too the feeling is rapidly growing more and more intense.
The other day 50,000 Muslims met at Delhi and protested against
the Palestine Commission. It is further reported in the press that
some Muslims have been arrested in Cawnpore in connection with
Palestine question. It is now perfectly clear that the entire
Muslim world is united on this question…. I have every reason to
believe that the National League will save England from a grave
political blunder and in so doing it will serve both England and
the Muslim world.